The further development of the Lugovoy park.

Ecological aspect.

One of the main pollutants of environment of the given area is the integrated poultry farm "Krasnye zory". It provides about 30 % of harmful emissions. The basic part of these emissions consists of a dust from mixed fodders and vapors of ammonia polluting atmosphere and creating unpleasant smell. Possible solutions of this problem are:

Also the big problem for an ecological condition of park is the non-authorized dump of firm waste products (in common people of a dump), this problem can be solved under condition of:

The problem of silting of parts of reservoirs of park has a number of solutions:

In due course in territory of park there were changes of quantity and structure of tree species: natural obliteration has taken place - birch, alder, willow and various bushes that breaks an aesthetic estimation of territory; planted trees and bushes are falling out, disproving visual perception of the area.

For improvement of an aesthetic component of park and giving to it of initial shape follows:

As the park is intended for maintenance of recreation of the population, following actions should be included:

At the correct organization of these actions it is possible to reduce a contamination of territory, trampling of ground, cultivation of fires to a minimum.

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